LACE 101: Transparent Lace OR HD?

LACE 101: Transparent Lace OR HD?

Lace is a piece of fabric that ventilators use to attach human hair extensions to to give you the scalp like look while wearing them.
Medium brown, transparent and HD
Lace types are determined by which fabric piece is being used to create the lace frontal or lace closure piece.
For instance, they come in different shades:
Medium brown: A brown toned lace
Transparent: Natural toned lace
HD: Nuetral toned see through lace
Transparent lace, Hd Lace, Medium brown lace

Medium brown: An affordable durable lace that is sort of rough to the touch. It offers a less than natural appearance. If you’re anything other than a medium skin tone-dark tone. It’s simply not recommended. You may get a use or 2 out of it.

Transparent lace: A top quality affordable lace that offers a nice scalp like appearance. The lace is thin and great for all shades of skin. It’s very durable lace which is great for long term use.

HD lace: A high quality luxury lace that offers a real scalp like appearance. It is thinner than transparent lace and melts completely into your scalp which makes it more undetectable. It blends well with all skin types but is meant for short term use as it doesn’t last as long as regular transparent lace.

In conclusion, lace choice is totally up to the quality you’re looking for in specific! If you enjoyed this blog, please share with a friend!

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